
How To Set Google Authenticator For Gmail

It is absolutely essential to secure any online email account because it could be connected to your online bank accounts, personal accost, online shops and more. Thankfully, Gmail makes it easy for new users to gear up upward additional security measures.

Since its release in 2004, Google has added quite a few upgrades to its famously known email platform, including 2-factor authentication (2FA). If you oasis't set up Gmail 2FA yet, nosotros highly recommend getting to it like… right now.

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Gmail's 2FA feature will assistance keep your account safe and secure. If someone tries to sign in to your Gmail business relationship from a device you've never used earlier, Google volition and then require them to enter a security lawmaking obtained via text message or a mobile authentication app along with your countersign.

In fact, Google recently said that implementing 2FA on 150 one thousand thousand user accounts cut the rate of account takeovers in half.

Below, nosotros've included a handy step-by-pace guide for setting up two-factor authentication right through your Gmail app on your iOS or Android devices. (Here'due south how to fix upwardly Gmail 2FA on a desktop.)

The kickoff function of the instructions shows yous how to ready prompts you can receive from Google directly on your phone'due south screen, while the second part shows y'all how to set up Google's Authenticator app to generate 2FA codes.

Either method is safer than having 2FA codes sent via text letters, although Google volition fall back on that method as a default if you allow it.

How to turn on two-factor authentication in the Gmail app

Google Prompts, text bulletin/phone call method

i. Open up your Gmail app, select your account and click on Manage Your Google Account.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

2. Roll to the right and select the pick Security in the bill of fare as shown below.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

3. Scroll downward and tap ii-footstep verification, Google's name for two-factor authentication.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

four. You'll and so see a brief explanation of the characteristic. Tap Get Started.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

5. Your first option is to allow Google send prompts to your phone asking yous to approve a sign-in on another device. This is one of the amend means to do 2FA. Tap Continue.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Paradigm credit: Google)

6. Every bit a backup selection, Google wants your mobile telephone number to help you get access to your account if the first 2FA pick fails. You can choose between receiving a sometime passcode via a phone call or past text message. (The telephone call is more secure.) Cull 1 and tap Send.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

7. Google will call or text you a quondam code. Enter the code sent to your device and tap the Next button in one case that's done.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

8. Voilà! You lot have at present successfully completed the process of setting up the two-factor hallmark on Gmail. All you lot have to do now is to click Turn on to finish the process and activate the characteristic.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Prototype credit: Google)

Backup codes and Google Authenticator App method

1. You tin besides opt for ii additional methods: a serial of backup codes and the Google Authenticator app. We recommend setting up both.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

two. The starting time pick presents you with 10 backup codes that yous can each use once to login to your Gmail account in case your phone is out-of-reach. Write them down and store them in a safe and accessible identify.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

3. You tin besides utilize the Google Authenticator app to generate 2FA verification codes. This will piece of work when your phone is offline, but it's one of the best ways to do 2FA overall and is safer than getting codes texted to y'all.

If you choose this option, yous volition be asked whether you're an Android or an iPhone user. Select i and tap Next to proceed.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

4. Nosotros selected "iPhone", so we were taken to a page with a clickable download link for the app directly from the App Store. One time the Authenticator app is downloaded, Google asks you to Set upwards an account and Scan the barcode presented to you as shown beneath.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

v. Yous can then press Get Started while using the application with the process of getting your gratis verification codes.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

6. In one case yous've scanned the barcode, you will then see your electronic mail address pop on the screen along with the 6-digit code that you volition be asked to enter once hitting Next on your display. Once entered, press Verify to proceed.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

vii. All done! You have at present successfully completed setting up another two-gene hallmark method on Gmail.

How to set up two-factor authentication on Gmail using your phone

(Image credit: Google)

Since you know what you're doing with 2FA now, you might as well desire to know how to set 2-factor authentication on Facebook, how to enable 2-factor authentication (2FA) for Ring cameras, how to enable 2FA on the Ballsy Games Store and how to enable Epic Games ii-factor authentication on Fortnite.

Updated with Google 2FA implementation results. This story was originally published in June 2022.

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Denise is a Life Reporter at Newsweek, covering everything lifestyle-related, including wellness, relationships, personal finance, beauty and more. She was formerly a news writer at Tom's Guide, regularly producing stories on all things tech, gaming software/hardware, fettle, streaming, and more than. Her published content ranges from short-form news articles to long-form pieces, including reviews, buying guides, how-tos, and features. When she's not playing horror games, she tin be found exploring East London with her adorable puppy. She'due south also a part-time piano enthusiast and regularly experiments in the kitchen.

How To Set Google Authenticator For Gmail,


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